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Journal of Global

The Journal of Global Christianity seeks to promote international scholarship and discussion on topics related to global Christianity. The journal addresses key issues related to the mission of the Church in hope of helping those who labor for the gospel wrestle with and apply the biblical teaching on various challenging mission topics.

Volume 8.1/


An Investment Well Worth It

Darren M. Carlson

Orality's Breadth and Depth

Jonathan D. Worthington

From Grace to Guilt Trip: Misunderstandings in Biblical Patronage by Asian Christians

Jerry Hwang

Exorcism and the Structure of Mark’s Gospel

Mark D. Batluck

The Changing Notion of Truth in the West and Implications for Christian Ministry in Africa

Roydon Frost
Report from the Field

Grace Life College and Seminary Graduation Message: A Theology of Transformation

Sylvain Allaboe
Book Review

Advanced Missiology: How to Study Missions in Credible and Useful Ways

Allan Karr, Gateway Seminary, Phoenix, USA
Book Review

Salvation to the Ends of the Earth: A Biblical Theology of Mission. 2nd ed. New Studies in Biblical Theology 53

Seth Porch, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Book Review

The Mission of the Triune God: A Theology of Acts. New Testament Theology, edited by Thomas R. Schreiner and Brian S. Rosner

Seth Porch, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Book Review

Missional Theology: An Introduction

Jim Dahl, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Book Review

Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology. Vol. 1. Princeton Theological Monograph Series

Filip Nakov, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Book Review

Theosis: Deification in Christian Theology. Vol. 2. Princeton Theological Monograph Series

Filip Nakov, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Book Review

The Eastern Orthodox Church: A New History

T. J. Marinello, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Book Review

Systematic Theology Pack, 2nd ed.: A Complete Introduction to Biblical Doctrine

T. J. Marinello, Tyndale Theological Seminary, Badhoevedorp, The Netherlands
Book Review

Living under Water: Baptism as a Way of Life. Calvin Institute of Christian Worship Liturgical Studies

Lauren Zapater, Stockholm, Sweden